Sustainable Lumber and Millwork with Nature in Mind

Streams Way Mills select cuts trees from owned property, purchased or client supplied. The trees are completely used from trunk to branch. The tree is processed in the following manner:


  • Trunk makes timber from 12” diameter to 36” diameter.
  • Main Branches that are smaller than 12” to 3” are used for unique furniture pieces or if rotted or severely crooked are cut up for firewood and seasoned.
  • Branches less that 3” are chipped and used for landscaping mulch.
  • Sawdust is a bi-product of the mill and this is collected during milling and bagged and sold for pet bedding.
  • Every tree removed on our proertry is replaced by two new growth tree.





Wood Products Produced

Softwood and Hardwood

Rough or finished trim


Slabs and for counters and tables


Flitch cuts


Rough timber framing members


Conventional framing lumber


Survey stakes






Sawdust for pet bedding